Kole Norberg
Ph.D. -- Cognitive Psychology
Kole Norberg
Ph.D. -- Cognitive Psychology


Apgar, C., Norberg, K. A. (2022). (under review). Wait wdym?: The misperception of emotional valence in text messaging across generations.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2022). (under review). A metacognitive perspective for the allocation of reading time.

Norberg, K. A., Han, H., Cho, B-Y., Fraundorf, S. H. (2022). (under review). Getting there is half the journey: A machine learning analysis of internet navigation behaviors in high-school digital literacy.

Han, H., Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H., Cho, B-Y. (2022). (under review). What makes skilled readers in print reading become more and less successful in an online setting?

Norberg, K. A., Perfetti, C., Helder, A. (2022). Word-to-text integration and antecedent accessibility: Eye-tracking evidence extends results of ERPs. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/xlm0001127

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2021). Memory benefits from contrastive focus truly require focus: Evidence from clefts and connectives. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2021.1901944


Norberg, K. A., Almoubayyed, H., et al. (2023, July 7). Rewriting Math Word Problems with Large Language Models. Paper presented at AIED2023 Empowering Education with LLMs – the Next-Gen Interface and Content Generation workshop, Tokyo, Japan https://ai4ed.cc/workshops/aied2023 https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3487/paper11.pdf

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2022, July). Overcoming comprehension failure: A metacognitive perspective for the allocation of reading time. Paper presented at the Society of the Scientific Study of Reading, Newport Beach, CA.

Norberg, K. A., Duff, D., Mckeown, M. G. (2021, July). Health Literacy: Cohesion, vocabulary, and reader characteristics interact to affect comprehension of written health information. Paper presented at the Society of the Scientific Study of Reading, virtual.

Han, H., Norberg, K. A., Cho, B. & Fraundorf, S. H. (2020, Apr 17 – 21) What Makes Skilled Readers in Print Reading Become More and Less Successful in an Online Setting? [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/suqago8 (Conference Canceled)

Cho, B.-Y., Fraundorf, S.H., Norberg, K.A., Han, H. (December 2019) Can metacognitive knowledge support adolescents’ critical questioning in an internet reading task? Paper presented at Literary Research Association, Tampa, FL.

Norberg, K. A., Han, H., Young, B-Y., Fraundorf, S. H.  (July 2019). Can online search strategies predict learning from internet sources? A Correlational Analysis. Paper presented at the Society for Text and Discourse, New York, NY. – recipient of Outstanding Student Paper Award.

Cho, B-Y., Fruandorf, S.H., Norberg, K. A., Han, H. (July 2019) An experimental study of metacognitively-oriented digital reading interventions. Paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto, ON.


Apgar, C. T., Norberg, K. A. (2022, March). Usage of Paralinguistic Features in Relation to Emotional Valence in Text Messaging Across Generations. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, virtual. https://hsp2022.ucsc.edu/

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2022, March). The Influence of the Ease-of-Processing Heuristic and Attention on Monitoring of Text Comprehension. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, virtual. https://hsp2022.ucsc.edu/

Norberg, K. A., Perfetti, C., Helder, A. (2021, Aug.). Word-to-text integration and antecedent accessibility: Eye-tracking evidence extends results of ERPs. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, virtual.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2020, March). Adaptive reading in response to connective location and clause order. Poster presented at the 33rd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Amherst, MA, virtual. https://blogs.umass.edu/cuny2020/

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2019, Nov). Under the Influence of Connectives: How Connective Presence and Clause Order Affect Retention of Text. Poster presented at the 60th Annual Meeting Psychonomics, Montréal, CA.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2019, March). Under the Influence of Connectives: How connective location and clause order affect retention of text. Poster presented at the University of Pittsburgh Grad Expo, Pittsburgh, PA.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2018, November). What should I remember?: Clefts and connectives affect later text memory. Poster presented at the 59th Annual Meeting Psychonomics Society, New Orleans, LA.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2018, June). What should I remember?: Clefts and connectives affect later text memory. Poster presented at the 6th International Workshop on Advance Learning Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. ( 2018, March). Adversative connectives’ effect on recognition memory. Poster presented at the University of Pittsburgh Grad Expo, Pittsburgh, PA. – recipient of Outstanding Presenter Award

Kacinik, N. A., Norberg, K. A., Choudhary, M., Scotto, M. (2017, Nov). Examining the invariance of word processing: Do manipulations of size affect size judgments. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society 58th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Kacinik, N. A., Norberg, K. A. (2017, March). Cerebral asymmetries in metaphor comprehension: Examining the influence of task.Poster presented at the 24th Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Kacinik, N. A., Norberg, K. A., Klein, E., Feintuch, M., Goldberg, A., & Samouha, L. (2016, March). Small elephants and big needles: Perceptual information does not generally affect the processing of words. Poster presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.


Norberg, K. A. (2021, April) How to do Multiple Regression by Hand. Presented at Community for Advanced Methodological Learning (CAMeL), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

Norberg, K. A., Perfetti, C. (2021, Jan.) Making an Antecedent More Accessible in Memory: A Role for Global Context. Paper presented at Center for Neural Basis of Human Brain Bag, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

Norberg, K. A., Duff, D. (2020, Oct.) Constructing Health Texts to Inform Low Literacy Populations: The Importance of Measuring Cohesion. Paper presented at University of Pittsburgh Chapter of the Psi Chi International Honor Society, Pittsburgh, PA.

Norberg, K. A., Duff, D. (2020, Sept.) Cohesion Increases the “Grade Level” of a Health Text But Improved Comprehension. Paper presented at Psychology Cognitive Brown Bag, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (Jan. 2020). Adaptive reading in response to connective location and clause order. Paper presented at Psychology Cognitive Brown Bag, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. (Sept. 2019). Under the influence of connectives: Connective location and clause order influence online processing and retention of text. Paper presented at Reading and Language Group, University of Pittsburgh.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2019). Under the influence of connectives: How connective location and clause order interact to influence retention of text. Paper presented at Psychology Cognitive Brown Bag, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

Norberg, K. A., Fraundorf, S. H. (2018). What should I remember?: Clefts and connectives affect later text memory. Paper presented at Psychology Cognitive Brown Bag, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.