Kole Norberg
Ph.D. -- Cognitive Psychology
Kole Norberg
Ph.D. -- Cognitive Psychology


Graduate Courses
Teaching assistant for Statistical Analysis (guest lecturer on using R and Bayesian Statistics)

Undergraduate Courses
Teaching fellow for Introduction to Psychology 360
Teaching assistant for Research Methods and Human Sexuality.
Freshman composition levels 1 and 2 and developmental adult literacy skills taught at Florida Atlantic University, Queensborough Community College, and Kingsborough Community College (2007-2017)

Catherine Apgar (Bachelor of Philosophy, Honors Thesis, 2021-2022)
Incoming first-year Psychology Ph.D. students (2018-2020)
Hot Medal Bridge post-baccalaureate program (2018-2019)
LRDC Undergraduate Research Interns (Summer 2019)
Maple Lab Directed Research Students (2017-2022)

Faculty Workshops Led
(2017, April). Provided teachers with practical resources for anticipating and addressing student challenges with forming connections between clauses joined by connectives.

 (2015, April). Led a conversation among teachers about how their own writing deviates from way they teach their students and how they can help students develop their own styles while simultaneously teaching them the basics.

 (2014, Oct). Discussed the relationship between student boredom and classroom management issues and how to address boredom before it becomes a problem.

 (2014, May). Provided teachers with strategies for minimizing the executive function loads and supporting students with disabilities.